Jana Orlova

How graphology helped me

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In the beginning of spring this year, my sister went to see the graphologist Anita Millere, because a friend recommended it. This psychotherapist can tell who you are and where you come from by your handwriting. Unbelievable, isn’t it? My sister was thrilled to hear that, but she didn’t know what to expect. Of course, after the appointment she was shocked, because how can a stranger tell from your handwriting what kind of health problems you have or what kind of mother you are to your child. My sister sent 10 WhatsApp voice messages to me and my cousin with great excitement and surprise, but I, as the younger sister, didn’t really pay attention. Yeah, cool that she liked it, but I didn’t really go into the details of the whole event. Until she gave me a birthday present to meet Anita myself.

Yes, my sister liked it so much that she gave me an appointment with a graphologist. And that is not a cheap present! So, I started to get more interested in who she was, what graphology was, and then I also shamefully asked my sister “what is this and what do I have to do?” I made an appointment and went at the beginning of September. And let me tell you – I was in the same shock as my sister and I sent 100 WhatsApp messages to all my friends. But I will try to tell you briefly about my experience and why I will give all my friends this meeting as a present for their birthdays.

Anita (the graphologist) dictated two sentences and told me to sign at the end. Then I had to write those two sentences again. Then she asked me to record the audio with my phone, because she talks fast and often clients forget what she has said. It’s a good thing I recorded it, because after the shock it was cool to listen to it again at home. I won’t tell you exactly what she said about me, but what she said was accurate. She talked about my profession, what field I should work in, my emotional state, relationships, friends, family, health, religion, what are my good qualities, bad ones, in short – who I am. I was not only shocked that she could tell all this from my handwriting, but how she knew it. Before that I thought she would analyse every word, every letter, and explain it like this “you spell ‘a’ more sloppily than others, so you are shy”, but she didn’t. She took my sheet of paper, which had her dictated sentences on it, and started reading me like a book. Then I understood why she had recommended that I record her 20 min. monologue.

After she left me shocked, I was able to ask questions. One of the questions was about whether it meant anything if I held my pens in an untraditional way. The answer was that it doesn’t mean anything, just that my hands get tired faster, but because I write very fast, I don’t get tired as much because I have learned to hold it that way. Then I told her that my sister noticed when I was a child that I did a lot of things with my left hand, even though I held the pen in my right hand. And then my mother told me that when I was a little kid I started colouring with my left hand and she didn’t like it, so I was taught to use my right hand. The graphologist then asked me if I started reading late and I said no, the opposite, I started reading early, but I started talking very late and I have problems with my speech. Then she told me that I was an “ambidexter” and that both brain regions worked equally and that I was “one level above” than other people.

After that meeting, I not only started to think about myself, about my character, but also about my abilities. I started to ask myself what is ambidextrous, what famous people have been ambidextrous and what it means I also started thinking about my past, because I remember in high school in sports class I had to take a test to see which was my dominant leg to start a sprint, and to determine that I had to fall forward and every time my leg changed and I told the teacher that I didn’t know what to do because I was comfortable with both of them and I was very confused. I guess now it makes sense.

I will definitely pay more attention now to my hands in my daily life after seeing a graphologist. My session has also peaked my interest in psychology and body language so I would like to go and study my brain with the specialists at Riga Brain. I recommend you “study” yourself too, because that meeting with the graphologist changed my thoughts about myself for the better. This was really an experience for which I say a big thank you to my sister. Thank you, Anna, for giving me the opportunity to look at myself from the outside and for taking such good care of me. As big sisters always do.


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